Visions from the Future

Do try and keep out of my way in future and in past, there’s a good fellow. The time continuum should be big enough for the both of us. Then, all things considered…it’s time I grew up. Old ladies die all the time. It’s practically in the job description. Run. Nice to meet you, Rose. There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought. Life depends on change and renewal. Underneath it all I think you’re probably kind and nice, and very brave. I just wish you weren’t a soldier.

Are these antiques dotted about all over the building? It really is a splendid piece of audioarchitectonicalmetrasynchosity! There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought. Sorry, must dash! Only the madman can see the way clearly through the tangled forest. This stuff, or whoever sent it, is cleverer than we are. Unfortunate, isn’t it? Please, when Torchwood comes to write my complete history, don’t tell people I travelled through time and space with her mother!

My ship…my TARDIS… I am not a student of human nature. I am a professor of a far wider academy of which human nature is merely a part. There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought. No sir. Thirteen! Are you taller? Why? Do you have to reach a high shelf? t’s called the TARDIS, this thing. T-A-R-D-I-S. That’s Time And Relative Dimension In Space. That’s okay. Culture shock. Happens to the best of us.

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